Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hawbaker has numerous DEP violations

After doing several hours of research last night on the DEP's eFacts website, I was really appalled to find the numerous violations against Hawbaker. Click here to see Hawbaker's Department of Environmental Protection violations. These span over the course of several years for a variety of differents reasons related to their blasting, quarrying, mining, and emissions. I've counted some 240 violations.

Quoting the Times Leader, Lach, Hawbaker's attorney, said one needs to “look at the big picture” when it comes to violations, considering the number of Hawbaker facilities, the volume of production and the company’s cooperation with DEP.

Well...that's the equivalent of saying that,"because we are big, it's ok to suck sometimes." I say,"Because you are big, that gives you less of an excuse to suck."

Judging from their violations, Hawbaker seems to have a hard time learning from their mistakes. In fact, they seem very arrogant when they commit the same violations over and over again. And, nothing against the DEP, but I'll bet that many of the fines imposed are nothing more than a slap on the hands. This figures to be even more true when you compare the amounts of fines (up to $9500) to the amount their contracts are worth:

1. PennDOT – Lycoming SR 405
2. PennDOT – Centre GR 2-07-ST1
3. PennDOT – Jefferson SIA
4. PennDOT – Venango SR 80
5. PennDOT – Columbia T-572
6. PennDOT – Potter GR 2-07-ST6
7. PennDOT – Columbia SR 11
8. PennDOT – Columbia SR 80 (M03)
9. PennDOT – Huntingdon SR 22
(Million Dollar Bridge)
10. PennDOT – Crawford SR 79
11. PennDOT – Clarion SR 80
12. Restek – Sitework, Benner Twp.
13. PennDOT – Centre SR 322 (144)
14. Cleveland Brothers Parts Distribution
Ctr, Benner Twp - Site Development
(complete site package)
15. CCIBC – Rockview Park, Benner Twp.
16. Liberty Hill, Boalsburg
(complete site package)
17. PennDot - Perry Co.

I don't think any of us are against commerce, Schiavo, or Hawbaker, we are just averse to having this monstrosity of an asphalt plant so close to our homes with such a detrimental effect on our everyday lives and perhaps even our health.

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